Masked and Plexiglass: A winning (not) combination!
As a hearing-impaired person, I am once again on a “rant” rampage.
Knowledge is power on the road to better hearing, which is why we provide helpful resources and support beyond your office visit. On the blog, you’ll find articles covering topics such as hearing aid maintenance, hearing loss management and more.
As most people are aware, anytime one travels and they decide to fly, the airport always seems to awaken a bit of anxiety inside of most people. Most boarding pass areas are all
As most people are aware, anytime one travels and they decide to fly, the airport always seems to awaken a bit of anxiety inside of most people. Most boarding pass areas are all
As most people are aware, anytime one travels and they decide to fly, the airport always seems to awaken a bit of anxiety inside of most people. Most boarding pass areas are all
As a hearing-impaired person, I am once again on a “rant” rampage.
Well folks, what can I say? This has probably been most people’s worst
I decided to write about my experience wearing my “I Am a Lip Reader”
Hello everyone! It’s back to school time for both teachers and
Have you ever taken your hearing aids out only to look for them later and
Yes….the hearing test booth….a seemingly harmless booth that